If we were to lose power for an extended period of time, unrest will ensue. It's inevitable. There will be full blown, large scale riots and looting. If you live in a city, especially big cities, your life could be at risk. Do you have the means to protect yourself and your family? Do you have supplies and a plan if you do need to leave your current home in an emergency situation? Where will you go? If navigation systems aren't working, or if you need to travel on foot, do you have local and state maps with roads clearly marked? These are not things the average American will be thinking about, but are important as things could get crazy...and soon.
Of course we all pray that things will never get to this point, but the reality is that we are living in unprecedented times of nationwide fear, statewide mandates and lockdowns, and widespread civil unrest. We also have an election coming up that will be bringing in more unrest and testing the boundaries of the political divide. We should all be praying, and praying a LOT, but we should also be really thinking about what we can be doing to be prepared should we have power outages, food shortages or worse. God does not call us to sit idly by and watch disaster unfold, but calls us to be wise, and help others be smart and prepared as well.
Under normal circumstances, grocery stores are always open and food is always on the shelves. You have the ability to go out to restaurants, order take out, delivery, etc. But what if there is a food shortage? What if grocery stores aren't open? What if restaurants have closed their doors? I think we have seen what could happen in a crisis situation. People tend to lose their minds, and suddenly you can't find toilet paper anywhere. Or rice and beans. Paper towels. Bottles of water. People simply aren't prepared, and it's a dangerous situation.
Most people don't know how to prepare. They aren't thinking ahead for challenging times or a possible crisis. Some don't care, think it's crazy, or don't believe that it could ever happen. If this virus hasn't woken people up to the real possibility of both food and supply shortages, then I don't know what will. Do you have an alternative source of water such as a private well (with a way to power it should you lose electricity), or a pond, lake, river, creek or even swimming pool where you can collect water should city water not be available or is contaminated? Indoor water storage (see supplies list) is really important plus rainwater collection if you don't have an alternative source of water. Water is CRITICAL, and should be your #1 priority! If you look in your pantry, how long could you and your family survive on the food that you have? DO you have enough food for a full month or longer? What if cities were to lose power for an extended period of time? Do you have a backup plan? An alternative source of power like a generator, or a bug-out place where you can go? What would you do? If you can't get to a doctor or pharmacy, do you have a basic emergency supplies kit? How about heavy blankets, firewood, etc. if you lose power in the winter months? Do you have extra bottled drinking water?
Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. Luke 12:35-36